privacy statement

The small print

The avinturo website also does not escape the small print. In one case it is mandatory (the new European privacy legislation, for example), in the other case I want to tell you as clearly as possible what and why something happens on the website.

I'll try to guide you through it as transparant as possible. If you have any questions or suggestions, please ask or provide them via the online contact form. And oh yes, the letters are the same size here. So easy to read.


I write everything myself and also get my information from other websites or sources. Where necessary (if I copy or quote pieces 1 on 1) I will mention the source. If I have forgotten this somewhere, please let me know and I will correct it immediately.

If you want to use something from this site (for example text or images), you are -of course- welcome to do so. I'm glad the content is apparently so appealing or relevant that you also want to use it. I would like you to report it to me and include a reference (with link) to the avinturo site.

Your credentials

When completing the contact form (or perhaps subscribing to a digital newsletter in the future), you provide your email address and/or other personal information. This will never be shared with others without your permission. If other software is used, this will be explicitly stated. This means you always know what happens to your data.


The website uses cookies. A cookie is a small file that is placed on your computer via this website to recognize you on your next visit.

These cookies are from the American company Google, which allows their Google Analytics statistics program to function better. I use this program to see, for example, where the visit comes from (via which site) and what happens on the site after that. For example, if I know that there is a lot of interest in a certain topic, I will try to write more about it. This way I ensure that I cover the most liked topics as best as possible.

The use of cookies is also safe. No personal information, such as a telephone number or e-mail address, can be derived from it. You can only delete cookies yourself because they are stored on your computer. Read the manual of the browser you're using to see how to remove them.

External links

On the avinturo site you will find many links to websites of winemakers, consortia or other institutions. These references are informative and hopefully relevant for you. However, avinturo has no influence or control over these external websites and is therefore not responsible or liable for their content.

Liability and disclaimer

The website has been set up with the utmost care. However, it may still happen that incorrect information is provided (tour conditions, descriptions, mentioned costs...). Let me know and I will make sure it is removed or edited immediately.

No rights can be derived from the use of the website. avinturo is not liable for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the website.

Responsible drinking

Because the website is about wine, I assume that you comply with the legal provisions regarding drinking in your land and ensure that you use it wisely.

Therefore, you might visit the website of:

version 1.1 - November 2023

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